Ridge augmentation in Fort Myers begins with a conversation at Total Dental Solutions for Adults with Dr. George Hoop. His 25-plus years of experience with dental implants will benefit you immensely. Not only is he extremely qualified to help you determine if this type of restoration is right for you, but he can help you understand how a ridge augmentation from our Fort Myers, FL dentist affects your ability to get implants and other types of dental work. A ridge augmentation solution might be the only thing standing between you and your dream smile.
Our patients most often benefit from this procedure when they are preparing for a dental implant. When a tooth is lost, the nearby bone is affected. It no longer has a tooth to hold on to, so the bone will begin to disappear. A ridge augmentation will allow us to rebuild a healthy structure so that the bone can support a dental restoration, like a dental implant.
When you come in for your oral surgery, Dr. Hoop will have prepared a detailed plan based on the digital images he took in your previous appointments. He will use those to map out the work he does on surgery day. Once your augmentation is complete, you will need to allow the bone to heal for a few months before beginning the dental implant process.
Call our dental office to learn more about this procedure and how Dr. Hoop can help you rebuild your smile.