If you’re missing all of your teeth or currently have a denture, you’re certainly not alone. Tens of millions of Americans are missing their teeth today, and many of them rely on standard dentures to make chewing, speaking, and smiling easier and more manageable. Of course, not everyone is satisfied with their denture, which is why many people are considering implant dentures in Fort Myers for a more stable and lasting solution to tooth loss. With them, you can expect improved comfort, functionality, and longevity, so don’t wait to give Dr. Hoop at Total Dental Solutions a call to see if they’re right for you!
For this procedure, we use dental implants to hold a dedicated denture, either for the top, bottom, or both arches depending on your needs. Keep in mind that dental implants are designed to replace the root of teeth using titanium posts. This is what gives them the stability to provide decades of use and a more comfortable tooth replacement. However, depending on your needs, you may want your prosthesis to be fixed or removable.
A fixed denture or “hybrid prosthesis” is designed to permanently attach to a series of dental implants. In most cases, about four to six implants are needed to hold the denture in place. You do not need to remove it during at-home oral care, however, only a dentist can safely detach it. Sufficient jawbone density is also necessary to receive them, so keep this in mind ahead of your consultation.
In contrast, implant dentures that are designed to be removable (or Snap-On dentures as they are sometimes called) can be easily cleaned at home and taken out if needed. What’s great about removable options is you only need between two and five implants to place them and less available bone tissue, making this an ideal solution for those with more significant bone deterioration.
At Total Dental Solutions, we keep the entire dental implant procedure under one roof. That means you can receive your consultation, complete your surgery, and have your implant restored by the same dentist you know and trust. Ahead of your procedure, we numb your mouth to remove all sensations using local anesthetic. Then, we create small incisions in your gum tissue followed by tiny holes for where the implants will attach. After closing the gum tissue, you’ll wait for the next four to six months so they can begin to integrate. When fully healed, you’ll come back to receive your permanent restoration.
Those who are candidates for implant dentures generally hold the following:
While dental implant treatment does take more time to complete, you can expect many benefits that you won’t find with traditional dentures, including: